Family: Rosaceae
A noxious weed that invades forests, open fields, and freshwater habitats. It is a BIISC target species for eradication.
Description and Dispersal:
- A shrub producing numerous canes.
- Thorns and hairs cover the plant
- Leaves are round and serrated.
- White flowers have 5 petals
- Reproduces vegetatively and by seed.
High Risk Traits:
- Grows in subtropical to temperate climates
- Naturalized on Hawaii and Kauai islands
- A disturbance weed with potential negative impacts to natural areas
- Other Rubus species have become invasive weeds
- Stems and leaves covered with prickles
- Unpalatable to browsing animals (prickles deter browsing)
- Tolerates many soil types
- Forms thickets & can potentially smother other vegetation
- Reproduces be seeds (at least within native range)
- Can hybridize with other Rubus species
- Able to spread vegetatively by root suckers & rhizomatous canes
- Seeds, when produced, dispersed by birds, mammals & intentionally by people
- Seeds, if produced, may persist in the soil
- Able to resprout after cutting
Low Risk Traits:
- Non-toxic
- Seed production may be limited in the Hawaiian Islands, possibly minimizing long-distance dispersal