Family: Marcgraviaceae
Native and endemic to the Neotropics, red hot poker vine is spreading from initial plantings. Evidence of naturalization occurs on Hawaii Island and Kauai. It exhibits broad climate suitability, especially in tropical locations. Smothering vines are a dangerous addition to the landscape. While relatively rare in cultivation and small escaped populations exist, prevention is best with invasive plants.
Description and Dispersal:
- A woody vine
- Green leathery leave are arranged alternately
- Insignificant flowers grow along a central axis
- Brightly colored red or orange modified extrafloral nectaries are eye-catching
High Risk Traits:
- Naturalized on Hawaii Island and Kauai
- Thrives in tropical climates
- Broad elevation range (collected over a range in excess of 1000 m)
- Climbing and/or smothering habit
- Bird-dispersed seeds
Low Risk Traits:
- Despite ability to spread, no negative impacts have been documented to date (i.e. no history of weediness elsewhere)
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Possibly bird-pollinated which may limit fruit production and seed set in areas
- Landscaping and ornamental value