Family: Geraniaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Elevation range exceeds 1000 m, demonstrating environmental versatility
- Able to grow in tropical climates
- Naturalized on Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands
- Other Geranium species have become invasive
- Shade-tolerant
- Reproduces by seeds
- Hybridizes with other Geranium species
- Perennial, but able to reproduce in one growing season
- Small seeds, possibly spread through ballistic dispersal or by other means
- Seeds possess physical dormancy and can form a persistent seed bank
- Able to resprout after fire
Low Risk Traits:
- Weedy, but impacts generally not specified in introduced range
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Not reported to spread vegetatively
- Limited ecological information makes accurate risk prediction difficult