Family: Fabaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Broad climate suitability
- Capable of growing in tropical and temperate climates
- Possibly naturalized or adventive on mainland US
- Thrives in disturbed habitats (and regarded by some as a weed)
- Other Mimosa species are invasive weeds
- Tolerates many soil types
- Reproduces by seeds and vegetatively by rhizomes
- Reaches maturity in one growing season
- Seeds dispersed by gravity, intentionally by people and possibly aided by wind, water, and animals
- Seeds with a hard coat, and capable of forming a persistent seed band (at least 1 year)
- Tolerates mowing and able to resprout from taproots
Low Risk Traits:
- Although sometimes regarded as a weed, generally considered not overly aggressive
- Thornless
- Provides forage for livestock and wildlife
- Non-toxic
- Ornamental
- Herbicides may provide effective control