Family: Asteraceae
Leucanthemum maximum is a herbaceous perennial. This plant is somewhat short-lived and blooms from June to August. Shasta daisy flowers open bright yellow instead of white. They fade to a light yellow, and then they eventually become white. It is susceptible to verticillium wilt, leaf spots, and stem rots. It is also known to have aphids, mites and leaf miners.
Description and Dispersal:
- This plant can grow to be about a foot and a half to two feet. It has a circular yellow to white flower with a yellow center. There are many petals. The leaves are large are serrated
High Risk Traits:
- Broad climate suitability (Broad distribution, and elevation range exceeds 1000 m)
- Widely naturalized
- A disturbance weed
- Other Leucanthemum species have become invasive
- Unpalatable to deer
- Tolerates a wide range of soil conditions
- Seeds freely
- Capable to reach maturity in one growing season
- Seeds dispersed intentionally by people, by wind, and possibly unintentionally
- Seeds may possibly persist in soil
Low Risk Traits:
- A temperate species (may only be invasive at higher elevation in tropics)
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Requires full sun
- Used as an ornamental and to attract and benefit pollinators
- Herbicides and cultivation may provide effective control