Family: Fabaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Broad climate suitability and elevation range
- Thrives and spreads in regions with tropical climates
- Reported to be naturalized in the Hawaiian Islands (Kauai, and Oahu), Australia and possibly elsewhere.
- A potential weed of roadsides, footpaths, lawns, disturbed sites, waste areas, plantation crops and riparian vegetation.
- Shade tolerant.
- Tolerates many soil types.
- May form dense swards that could exclude other vegetation.
- Reproduces by seeds and vegetatively by creeping stolons.
- Self-fertile
- May reach maturity in one growing season
- Seeds and vegetative fragments may be dispersed by water, and through intentional cultivation.
- Tolerates and resprouts after grazing, mowing and fire.
Low Risk Traits:
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns, or burrs)
- Highly palatable
- Non-toxic
- Seed set is underground, reducing risk of accidental dispersal
- Seeds are soft and digestible and not spread through animals
- Certain herbicides may provide effective control