Family: Solanaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Able to grow in regions with tropical climates
- Reported to be naturalized in South Africa, and possibly the Galapagos
- Other Brugmansia species have become invasive
- Unpalatable to browsing and grazing animals
- Toxic to animals and humans
- Tolerates many soil types
- Reproduces by seeds
- May hybridize with other Brugmansia species
- Self-compatible
- Seeds dispersed by wind and intentionally by people
- Able to resprout after pruning or removal of above ground vegetation
Low Risk Traits:
- Despite naturalization, no reports of detrimental impacts to date
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Ornamental
- Not reported to spread vegetatively
- Seeds reported to lose viability quickly
- Seedling production in wild reported to be rare, despite production of viable seeds