Family: Asteraceae
High Risk Traits:
- Broad climate suitability (Can grow in >5 hardiness zones)
- Widely naturalized
- A garden and disturbance weed
- Other Coreopsis species have become invasive
- Tolerates a wide range of soil conditions
- Can from dense stands that may potentially exclude other vegetation
- Seeds freely
- Hybridizes with other Coreopsis species
- Annual able to reach maturity in one growing season
- Seeds dispersed intentionally by people, by water movement, and possibly in soil
- Prolific seed production (>1000 seeds/m2 in certain situations)
Low Risk Traits:
- A temperate species (may only be invasive at higher elevation in tropics)
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Palatable to grazing animals
- Not reported to be toxic
- Requires full sun
- Self-incompatible
- Used as an ornamental and to attract and benefit pollinators
- Herbicides may provide effective control