Family: Poaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Exhibits environmental versatility (grows in a wide range of habitats)
- Grows in tropical climates
- Naturalized on Hawaii island and elsewhere (including India, Australia, California)
- Environmental weed (excludes native vegetation)
- Other Ehrharta species are invasive
- Increases fire risk
- Tolerates many soil types
- Forms dense and tall patches that exclude and replace native vegetation
- Reproduces primarily be seed (and rarely by rhizomes)
- Able to reach maturity in one year
- Seeds dispersed by wind, water, human activities, internally by grazing animals and possibly externally (attached to fur or feathers)
- Prolific seed production
- Forms a persistent seed bank
- Resprouts after fire
Low Risk Traits:
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Palatable to grazing animals (provides forage for livestock)
- Requires full sun
- Primarily outcrossing
- Rarely spreads vegetatively
- Herbicides may provide effective control