Family: Malvaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Firmiana simplex (Chinese parasol) is a deciduous tree native to temperate East Asia. It is known for its distinctive and attractive appearance, making it a popular ornamental plant in gardens and parks. In the southeastern United States, it has become widely naturalized and an environmental weed in some locations, where it can outcompete and exclude native vegetation. It is currently cultivated in the Hawaiian Islands but has not been documented as naturalized to date.
- Broad climate suitability (temperate to subtropical)
- Capable of growing in subtropical climates
- Widely naturalized in southern USA
- Garden and landscape weed
- Environmental weed in southern US forests, excluding native vegetation
- Seedlings are shade-tolerant
- Tolerates many soil types
- Reported to form dense stands in Louisiana
- Reproduces by seeds
- Self-compatible
- Rapid growth rate
- Seeds dispersed by wind, water and intentionally by people
- Tolerates cutting and heavy pruning
Low Risk Traits:
- Native to regions with temperate to subtropical climates. May limit invasiveness to higher elevations of tropical islands
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns, or burrs)
- Palatable to browsing and grazing animals
- Non-toxic
- Ornamental
- Not reported to spread vegetatively
- Despite rapid growth rate, not reported to reach reproductive maturity for possibly 10+ years
- Herbicides may provide effective control