Family: Balsaminaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Elevation range exceeds 1000 m, demonstrating environmental versatility
- Thrives in tropical climates
- Naturalized on Kauai and East Maui, Hawaiian Islands, Canary Islands, New Zealand, Colombia
- Possible environmental weed. Replaces other vegetation on forest floor, and prevents seedlings of native species establishing
- Other Impatiens species have become invasive
- Possibly unpalatable (deer resistant)
- Shade-tolerant
- Tolerates many soil types
- Forms dense stands
- Reproduces by seeds
- Spreads vegetatively
- Can be spread as garden waste
- Planted intentionally by people
- Fruits burst open due to internal pressure and disperse seeds
- Can be dispersed by water
Low Risk Traits:
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- No reports of toxicity
- Ornamental
- Herbicides may provide effective control