Family: Cupressaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Naturalized outside native range in middle and Western US, and South Africa
- Broad climate suitability
- Invades cattle pasture and reduces available forage
- Environmental weed by homogenizing diversity, reducing wildlife habitat quality, and altering hydrology and nutrient cycling
- Related species are invasive
- Possibly allelopathic
- Alternate host to the cedar apple rust
- Increase fire risk
- Forms monocultures within native range
- Produces allergenic pollen
- Tolerates a wide range of soil conditions
- Seeds dispersed by frugivorous birds and mammals
- Some seeds persist in soil for over one year
- Herbicides not very effective in controlling this tree
Low Risk Traits:
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Palatable to cattle
- Landscaping and ornamental value (used as a Christmas tree)
- A dioecious species
- Reaches maturity in 10+ years
- Will not spread vegetatively
- Killed by fire