Family: Oleaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Grows in temperate to subtropical climates, demonstrating environmental versatility
- Able to grow in regions with subtropical climates
- Naturalized in several locations (but no evidence in Hawaiian Islands to date)
- A garden and environmental weed on the mainland US
- Other Ligustrum species are invasive
- Toxic to animals (horses) and people
- Host of pathogens
- Shade-tolerant
- Tolerates many soil types
- Forms dense stands, excluding other vegetation
- Reproduces by seeds and vegetatively by suckering
- Seeds dispersed by birds, other frugivorous animals and intentionally by people
- Able resprout from cut stumps
Low Risk Traits:
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns, or burrs)
- Browsed by deer and cattle (palatable despite reports of toxicity)
- Ornamental
- Seeds require cold stratification (may limit ability to spread in regions with tropical/subtropical climates)
- Reaches maturity in 5+ years
- Recalcitrant seeds (unlikely to form a persistent seed bank)
- Herbicides may provide effective control