Family: Onagraceae
High Risk Traits:
- Able to grow in tropical and subtropical climates
- Naturalized in New Zealand and Australia
- Potential environmental weed
- Other Ludwigia species are invasive
- Able to smother water surfaces
- Reproduces by seeds and vegetatively
- Readily hybridizes with other Ludwigia species
- Self-compatible
- Can spread vegetatively by stolons and stem fragments
- Able to reach maturity in 1 growing season
- Seeds dispersed by water, wind, birds (e.g. ducks), machinery, footwear, clothing and mud
- Distributed as an aquarium plant
- Seeds can become a contaminant of rice and possibly other aquatic crops
- Viable seeds passed by feral pigs
- Able to resprout and spread after cutting
Low Risk Traits:
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Palatable to pigs and humans
- Non-toxic
- Aquarium species
- Seeds may not form a persistent seed bank
- Herbicides may provide effective control