Family: Malvaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Elevation range can exceed 1000 m, demonstrating environmental versatility
- Thrives in tropical climates
- Naturalized on Kauai, Oahu, Maui and Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
- A disturbance-adapted, weedy pioneer tree, with potential negative impacts to native ecosystems of Hawaii
- Other Melochia species are invasive
- Shade tolerant (able to establish in forest understory)
- Forms dense thickets
- Reproduces by seed
- Seeds dispersed by wind, as a contaminant of road fill, possibly by water, and intentionally seeded by people
- No natural enemies documented in the Hawaiian Islands
Low Risk Traits:
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns, or burrs)
- Provides fodder for livestock
- Non-toxic
- Not reported to spread vegetatively
- Herbicides may provide effective control