Family: Plumbaginaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Broad climate suitability (grows in regions with tropical, Mediterranean, and seasonally in temperate climates)
- Naturalized on Kauai, Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands) and in several other locations worldwide
- Other Plumbago species may be invasive weeds
- Reported to be toxic to animals under certain conditions
- Potentially toxic or allergenic to people
- Tolerates many soil types
- Reproduces by seeds and vegetatively by suckers
- Reaches maturity in 2 years.
- Sticky seed capsules aid in dispersal of seeds by animals and possibly people
- Tolerates and resprouts after heavy pruning, cutting or top kill
Low Risk Traits:
- Not reported to have negative impacts where naturalized or cultivated
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns, or burrs)
- Palatable to browsing animals (despite reports of toxicity)
- Grows best in high light environments (dense shade may inhibit spread)
- Self-incompatible
- Low natural seed set