Family: Arecaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Thrives in tropical climates
- Naturalized on Oahu, and possibly Kauai (Hawaiian Islands) and elsewhere
- Regarded as weedy and potentially invasive in a number of tropical locations (although impacts have not been described)
- Host of palm pests and pathogens
- Fruit an irritant and may cause dermatitis
- Shade tolerant
- Tolerates many soil types
- Reproduces by seeds
- Reaches maturity in 2-3 years
- Seeds dispersed by birds, possibly by water, and intentionally by people
- Prolific seedling production in some areas where naturalized
Low Risk Traits:
- Despite naturalization, negative impacts have yet to be documented
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns, or burrs)
- Not reported to spread vegetatively