Family: Rosaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Broad climate suitability
- Naturalized across North America
- Can grow in subtropical climates
- Invades disturbed areas
- Thorny
- Potentially allelopathic
- Seeds contain a small amount of cyanide risk of accidental poisoning
- Tolerates many soil conditions (and potentially able to exploit many different habitat types)
- Can form dense, thorny thickets
- Hybridizes with other cultivars and species and increases invasiveness
- Can spread vegetatively by root suckering
- Fleshy-fruited; Seeds dispersed by birds and mammals
- Seeds persist in the soil; forms a seed bank
- Tolerates cutting and fires
Low Risk Traits:
- Foliage palatable to deer and other browsing animals
- Relatively Shade-intolerant
- Self-incompatible
- Landscaping and ornamental value
- Herbicides may provide effective control