Family: Alismataceae
High Risk Traits:
- Can grow in warm temperate to tropical climates
- Naturalized in Australia, Oahu, Russia, Indonesia, South Africa and possibly elsewhere
- An agricultural weed (affecting irrigation) and an environmental weed (competing with native vegetation)
- Other Sagittaria species have become invasive
- Shade-tolerant
- Forms dense thickets in aquatic habitats
- Can spread from tubers or seeds
- Dispersed intentionally and unintentionally by people
- Seeds and vegetative fragments dispersed by water, in soil, by birds and in mud stuck to animals and machinery
- Prolific seed production
- Seeds and vegetative fragments may persist in the soil
- Tolerates cutting and will resprout without complete removal of plant, or treatment with herbicides
- Herbicide control is difficult due to aquatic nature of plants and poor translocation of herbicides to tubers or stolons
Low Risk Traits:
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Palatable to ducks and possibly other animals
- Non-toxic
- Ornamental