Family: Salicaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Broad climate suitability
- Naturalized in Australia
- Regarded as an environmental weed of riparian environments in Australia
- Other Salix species have become invasive in Australia
- Tolerates many soil types (as long as moisture content is high)
- Able to form pure stands
- Produces viable seeds
- Able to hybridize with other Salix species
- Able to sucker and spread by vegetative fragments
- Seeds dispersed by wind and water, and intentionally by people
- Prolific seed production in native range
- Able to coppice and resprout after cutting or fires
Low Risk Traits:
- A temperate species that may only pose a threat to higher elevations of tropical islands
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Palatable to a variety of browsing animals
- Non-toxic to animals and people (although pollen may be an allergen)
- Ornamental
- Shade-intolerant
- Dioecious (and therefore self-incompatible)
- Reaches maturity in 10+ years
- Seeds lose viability quickly
- Herbicides provide effective control