Family: Cyperaceae
High Risk Traits:
- Elevation range exceeds 1000 m, demonstrating environmental versatility
- Able to grow in tropical climates
- Naturalized (or possibly native) in the Hawaiian Islands, and New Zealand
- Regarded as an environmental weed
- Other Schoenoplectus species are invasive
- Possibly allelopathic
- Tolerates many soil types
- Forms dense thickets in native and introduced ranges
- Reproduces by seeds and vegetatively by rhizomes
- Seeds and vegetative fragments dispersed by water
- In addition to water, seeds may be dispersed by wind, contaminated soil and feed, machinery, and wildlife
Low Risk Traits:
- Where native, an important component of wetland habitat
- Unarmed (no spines, thorns or burrs)
- Seed production may be limited and may limit dispersal potential
- Non-toxic and palatable to animals and humans
- Herbicides may provide effective control