Family: Rubiaceae
Tahitian gardenia is an everblooming, evergreen, rounded shrub. Pure white pinwheel-shaped flowers stand out among the glossy green leaves. Native to the SouthWest area of the Pacific and cultivated since antiquity, tiare was dispersed far and wide by the Polynesia colonists. The flowers are the perfect size to tuck behind the ear. A heavenly odor, flower essences are used to perfume coconut oil, perfumes, lotions, and shampoo.
Tahitian gardenia thrives in tropical dry areas where other gardenias will not. It is an approved street tree for the city of Honolulu partly because it has unobtrusive roots. It even thrives in red clay or sandy soil.
Plant Uses:
- Bonsai
- Container plant
- Cultural significance
- Cut flower
- Fragrant
- Hedge
- Lei flower
- Ornamental
- Specimen
- Bonzai
Plant Dangers:
- No dangers