Holiday traditions vary by family, culture, and geographic location. One thing remains constant: traditions are learned and passed on through generations. Some traditions stay the same, some are forgotten, and some are tweaked to suit changing needs or values. As an island state, we approach many things differently in Hawai’i than on the mainland – including the winter holidays! Cut trees are a tradition for many families, even with the constant needle drop and fire hazard. Some families use a locally grown tropical plant as a perfect Christmas tree substitute.
Cared for and used year after year, the living tree becomes the tradition. Preventing the introduction of invasive species, reducing your carbon footprint, and supporting the local economy are all added bonuses! It’s not always a conscious choice to use an alternative tree; sometimes, the decisions are made without us. Due to the COVID, imported traditional trees are predicted to be in short supply this year. And locally grown cut-your-own Christmas tree farms often sell out within one or two weekends.
Get creative and choose a locally grown Christmas tree substitute!
The substitutes listed can withstand a month or so indoors. Consider the best size, color, and shape to suit your needs. Survey the Christmas tree substitute for LFA and thoroughly inspect for slugs and coqui before bringing it inside your home.
1. Areca palm

2. Podocarpus

3. Mini Christmas trees

4. Potted heliconia

5. Alahe’e

6. Norfolk pine

7. Corn Plant AKA Dracaena

8. Croton

9. Song of India

10. Lots of indoor plants